In this article, we will teach you what do the Lights mean on Rockspace repeater? We will provide you with a full description of this.
Rockspace local wi-fi extender refers to a repeater to boost the signal and prevent it from dead zone areas. However, re. rockspace local wi-fi extender works at 2.4G band thereby giving full signal coverage with a transmission speed of 300 Mbps.
RST Button– You can use the end of a paper clip or the same object to press down and hold up this button around about 8 seconds with power on, and then release it to restore the extender to factory resetting.

Solid On – It means the repeater has started
Blinking- It refers to the repeater is starting
Off – Off refers to the repeater is not powered on.
On – It will show a WPS connection. It has established.
After that, Blinking– A WPS connection is being established
Off– It means the WPS function is disabled
Solid Blue- The repeater has connected to your existing Wi-Fi router/modem, and its position is proper.
Solid Red- It means the repeater is too far away from the router to relocate the repeater nearer to the router.
Off– Off represent the repeater does not connect to your Wi-Fi router.