Login to Rockspace interface Archives • Re.Rockspace.local https://rerocklocal.com/docs-category/login-to-rockspace-interface/ Setup Help Wed, 20 Apr 2022 10:18:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://rerocklocal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/cropped-logo-1-1-150x150.png Login to Rockspace interface Archives • Re.Rockspace.local https://rerocklocal.com/docs-category/login-to-rockspace-interface/ 32 32 Unable to login into Rockspace Repeater interface https://rerocklocal.com/Rockspace-issues/unable-login-in-rockspace-repeater-interface/ https://rerocklocal.com/Rockspace-issues/unable-login-in-rockspace-repeater-interface/#respond Thu, 15 Oct 2020 05:18:02 +0000 https://rerocklocal.com/?post_type=docs&p=541 Unable login in Rockspace Repeater interface. There are so many of you out there who must have the issue of unable to login Rockspace repeater interface and also don’t know how to resolve this issue. Don’t worry; we will help you out with the best solution to resolve this issue. First we will understand the ... Read more

The post Unable to login into Rockspace Repeater interface appeared first on Re.Rockspace.local.

Unable login in Rockspace Repeater interface. There are so many of you out there who must have the issue of unable to login Rockspace repeater interface and also don’t know how to resolve this issue. Don’t worry; we will help you out with the best solution to resolve this issue. First we will understand the situation is for before or after the expansion. Alright, here we will discuss about both the terms before and after also.

Unable to login into Rockspace Repeater interface
Unable to login into the Rockspace Repeater interface
Steps to login to Rocspace Repeater interface

Before the extension:
1. Firstly make sure that you are connected to the correct signal of the repeater.
2. Also, ensure the domain name that you have entered in the address bar must be re.rockspacce.local or IP address
Note: You need to be very careful while entering the spelling must be correct and the numbers.
3. Here in case you are unable to log in, we recommend closing your browser and trying again. In case you still face issues then please clear out all the cache or reboot your device.
4. If all the methods that we recommend are failed, then restore factory settings or recharge the plug in the socket and again try to log in.

After the extension:

There are two methods to solve this situation:

Methods: 1

1. Firstly ensure that you are connected to the right signal of the repeater.
2. Once you connected to the repeater wireless signal, then ensure the IP address of the repeater signal must be assigned by the superior router.
3. Finally login via re.rocksppace.local.
Note: If the last step doesn’t work then we recommend changing your device to log in.

Method: 2

1. Firstly ensure you have connected to the Wi-Fi signal and then log in to the interface of the router.
2. Now open the client list of routers to look who is connected.
3. Then finding the mac address of the repeater you can get the IP address of the extender assigned by the router.
4. Finally just open the browser and enter the IP address in the address bar, here enter the interface.
We hope this article helped you to resolve this issue.

The post Unable to login into Rockspace Repeater interface appeared first on Re.Rockspace.local.

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