connect iPhone to Rockspace Archives • Re.Rockspace.local Setup Help Wed, 20 Apr 2022 10:13:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 connect iPhone to Rockspace Archives • Re.Rockspace.local 32 32 How to connect iPhone to Rockspace Extender? Thu, 15 Oct 2020 06:29:28 +0000 Want to connect iPhone to Rockspace Extender? Out there most of you have iOS devices and are worried about how will connect the Rockspace extender with the devices. Don’t worry we are here to help you with this issue. The iOS device is developed to optimize media entertainment, gaming, and effortless communication.  Also, provide you comfort via ... Read more

The post How to connect iPhone to Rockspace Extender? appeared first on Re.Rockspace.local.

Want to connect iPhone to Rockspace Extender? Out there most of you have iOS devices and are worried about how will connect the Rockspace extender with the devices. Don’t worry we are here to help you with this issue. The iOS device is developed to optimize media entertainment, gaming, and effortless communication.  Also, provide you comfort via built-in Wi-Fi and touch screen features. So in this article, we will teach you how you will connect your iPhone to the extender. 

How to connect iPhone to Rockspace Extender?
Rockspace extender
Connect iPhone to Rockspace extender

1. Firstly grab your iPhone and then go to the Home screen, click the Settings icon.
2. Now go to Wi-Fi and make sure your Wi-Fi is turned ON.
3. Then click on the router’s network name from the list.
4. Here you need to enter the router’s wireless security key or password and click Join.  
NOTE:  In case you have an unsecured wireless network, then your iOS devices will automatically be connected.
5. Lastly your iPhone is now connected to your wireless network as shown by the checkmark behind the SSID.
6. In case you encounter with error message “Incorrect password”, then click on Dismiss and re-enter your password correctly.

NOTE:  Wireless security key or password is case-sensitive.
However, This is the best way to connect your iPhone with the Rockspace extender. We hope this article helped you to solve this issue.

The post How to connect iPhone to Rockspace Extender? appeared first on Re.Rockspace.local.

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